Error: User cancelled the operation. Error: Internal file system error. Error: Server volume has been disconnected. Error: Wrong volume type. Error: Can’t move into offspring. Error: No free Working Directory Control Block available. Error: Directory not found. Error: Trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block. Error: WhichZone failed (applied to free block). Error: Address was odd; or out of range. Error: Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other. Error: Not enough room in heap zone. Error: No object of that type in scrap. Error: No scrap exists error. Error: Error in ROZ. Error: Can’t write to this file at this time. Error: Bad master directory block; must reinitialize. Error: File system internal error during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored. Error: That volume belongs to an external file system. Error: Not a Macintosh diskette (signature bytes are wrong). Error: No such drive (tried to mount a bad drive number). Error: That volume is already mounted and on-line. Error: Attempted to open a file locked for writing. Error: Volume is no longer on-line; was Ejected. Error: Get file position error. Error: An incorrect file reference number was passed. Error: You didn’t specify an existing volume, and there is no default. Error: That file is already open for writing. Error: That file already exists. Error: The file is busy. Error: The disk is software locked and cannot be modified. Error: The file is software locked and cannot be modified. Error: The disk is hardware locked and cannot be modified. Error: Couldn’t find a file with that name. Error: The maximum number of files is already open. Error: Memory full (open) or file won't fit (load). Error: Tried to position to before start of file (r/w). Error: End of file found. Error: That file is not open. Error: Not a legal volume/file name. Error: An I/O error error occured. Check your hardware. Error: That volume has not been mounted. Error: The disk is full. Error: There is no more room in your directory.